Программисты шутят
На «Стек-оверфлоу» иногда задают вопросы «за жизнь», и там начинается жизнь. Программисты шутят.
You just told the window manager, «It’s okay; he’s with me,» and the window manager replied, «Who the hell are you?»Чен неподражаем. Диалоги функций ВинАПИ.
What the fuck does a broken myspace page look like? How the fuck can you even tell?!
Apple’s iPhoto facial recognition does not officially support pets such as cats and dogsОтсюда.
Is your code cleaner than your flat? Do you ping websites if they don’t respond in 10 seconds? Do you ever look at a movie trailer and think «I have that font». Watched all episodes of Star Trek 4 times? Refer to MythBusters to prove a point?
Do you do all of the above and still have time to fix bugs and implement exciting new features that are always copied by some other browser?
Then you are the kind of developer we are looking for
И с точечкой, эль палочка, игрик как русская у, а русская, б как палочка такая и животик как бы вправо смотрит, и с точечкой, эр как я наоборот, эм, еще а русская, эн как русская пэ,Но ничего нет круче, чем «о кружочком».
и с точечкой, еще палочка, игрик как русская у, снова а, еще палка с животиком, и с точечкой, еще эр как я наоборот, снова эм, а русская, еще эн,
точечка, ру
Вероятность того, что бог существует, равна 62%.
The New York Times points out that if you engage in an activity that requires your attention, then it reduces your ability to do other things at the same time which also require your attention. For some reason, however this is news when one of those things is sending text messages.
I wonder if, had contemporary news editors existed back in the days when books were invented, they would have published big scary articles expounding on the dangers of reading a book while riding a horse or chopping firewood.
Q: Is there a way to sleep for less than one millisecond?
A: I don’t know either. I’ve never needed to do that. (I try to get eight hours each night.)
If the iPhone competed in the Olympic swimming tournaments, Michael Phelps would have just retired on the spot and given up swimming for life.
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