Beltek: Belina
А-а-а, я хочу уметь делать такие треки!
Блог, который я вёл, пока не завёл твиттер
Венгрия — родина «Икарусов». Неудивительно, что тут ездят «Икарусы»-троллейбусы.Пишет Лебедев про Будапешт. Тем временем, в Челябинске такие троллейбусы гоняли ещё лет 10 назад.
Web 2.0 can be loosely translated as «JavaScript now works»
Secrecy at Apple is not just the prevailing communications strategy; it is baked into the corporate culture. Employees working on top-secret projects must pass through a maze of security doors, swiping their badges again and again and finally entering a numeric code to reach their offices, according to one former employee who worked in such areas.
Work spaces are typically monitored by security cameras, this employee said. Some Apple workers in the most critical product-testing rooms must cover up devices with black cloaks when they are working on them, and turn on a red warning light when devices are unmasked so that everyone knows to be extra-careful, he said.
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Мы только царапаем поверхность по поводу того что такое Опера Юнайт
Jeff: People seem pretty excited about Zune HD [...]
Joel: Jeff, I think that says more about the people you hang out with